My good friend Davey brought me a book from his recent journey to the Catskill Mountains, New York State. (Welcome home brotherman!)
"Everything Belongs" is by Franciscan Priest, Richard Rohr and it's a timely and challenging piece of writing.
One example so far which connected says, ""We must go inside the belly of the whale for a while. Then and only then will we be spit upon a new shore and understand our call."
There will be more to follow I think!
Challenging words - timely for the 'stuff' I find myself in the middle of with work too. I'm just hoping the whale finds the shore quickly !
Looking forward to hearing more pearls of wisdom in the future.
Welcome to cyberworld chum!
Maybe we do stand in the same place and what changes is simply the tide going in and out?
High tide can exilerate and frighten us at the same time. Low tide can uncover many before unseen things or reveal who we really are.
Who knows.
mark, dandered here from hectic heart. everything belongs was a nourishing read for me. rohr writes of living in liminal spaces....threshold places where we encounter ourselves, others and the one who is in new and different ways. it is wonderful stuff. "we do not think ourselves into new ways of living. we live ourselves into new ways of thinking." (p19) may we walk with courage in liminal days. gail.
Thanks Gail. Really appreciate your feedback. I read page 19 and was encouraged by the phrase you highlighted.
be good
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