This faith filled community has had a terrible evil visited on them this week. No matter who we are, or what we believe, there can surely be no greater act of terror, than the killing or wounding of our children? This is an assault not only on the present, but also threatens the future, as our children are the only future we have.
The world will move on quite quickly. Fresh news will unfold and as with many tragedies, we will forget. For now however, lets pray for these peace loving people in their time of deep sorrow, shock and lament.
The Amish are a Protestant group who fled Religious persecution in Europe in the 18th Century. They subsequently settled in the US and some 200,000 Amish people now live in around twenty states across America in self-sufficient farming communities. Each group is generally small and self contained but all share a common belief in living their lives strictly in accordance with the Bible.
Amish children are educated in small, single room schoolhouses, illustrated by the school at the centre of yesterday’s tragic events. Despite their best efforts to live outside of it, the violent forces of the Modern world have been visited upon the small Amish community of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
The forgiveness that the Amish community have shown towards the man that committed the murders has really challenged me. It has also spoke of hope to me too. I pray that God can use this suffering & the families forgiveness to send a powerful message to those around them.
I suspect that even the worst despots in history had a high degree of ordinary. Its what they did in the 5% which is so awful, and our cumulative ability to follow such people.
We are after neither angels nor devils, but simply men and women, and you're right when you say, "what do we not see?"
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