I've tapped in from time to time to this trial and have struggled to hold a Christ-like view.
I have no doubt that this dictator ruthlessly oppressed the very people he claimed to serve.
I have no doubt that he was behind the genocide and I have no doubt that many will be happy to see him "removed".
I have no doubt that Iraq as a nation deserved better leadership than they had under Saddam. (Its highly questionable if they have that just now)
But I am disturbed by the obvious political puppeteering in which the Bush Whitehouse are the major string-pullers. I am disturbed that this trial appears to have been anything but open and just, and I'm concerned that the verdict, although understandably welcomed by many, may well be unreliable if not unjust.
Maybe this is ok when the one on trial is an obvious despot?
Maybe this is ok when his death may be a catalyst for a more lasting peace?
Maybe this is ok when his "removal" serves the Anglo/American political and economical agenda?
Maybe?, but I remain disturbed and concerned especially as I try to walk in the footsteps of the Prince of Peace, Man of sorrows, Son of Man, who called us to "follow Him".
As usual we're left with more questions than answers but we must consider these difficult questions of faith, politics and ethics.