Sunshine, warm on my face
Reminds me of all that you are
A cool breeze, dancing in the trees
Whispering ways that you move
Hard rain, beats on the window
Tears stream and begin to fall
Dark clouds, menace my soul
The yearning to hear someone call
This is my season of surrender
My spirit lies wasted on the floor
These are the days of my deliverance
I bow at the altar of all, all that you are
Gold leaves, in September falling
Remind me of how you died
Tall trees, rise from the valley
Shouting that you are alive
Strong winds, driving me down
Forcing my face to the floor
I’m tired now, of trying to find you
Door after door, after door
This is my season of surrender
My spirit lies wasted on the floor
These are the days of my deliverance
I bow at the altar of all, all that you are.
Springtime emerging, fresh and alive
Brings the promise of better days
Life comes, lengthening daylight
Chasing the darkness away.
This is my season of surrender…
I spent yesterday in a forest park. It was my day off. These are my reflections, they are a bit loose so forgive me.
My folks are just back from New England, watching the leaves turn. I like Autumn, especially as the colours and the light at this time of year are beautiful.
I was also thinking about the cyclical rhythm contained in nature as seen through the seasons. The reality is that this period of tree life is a season of dying. Not only is it ascetically beautiful but it benefits as it gives itself as nutrients to the soil, from where the tree emerged, thus fulfilling its circle. There can be beauty in pain?
The most startling thing is that without fail after the winter, the spring comes and the summer always returns again, always.
I feel emotional reading this Mark. I have been so blessed through your immensely creative and wonderful presence over the last few years. I love the fact that you see things from different angles and you have constantly challenged me with your words.
Surrendering oneself to God can be so direct and brutal too. Like the Autumn and Winter seasons which can strip away leaves and leave the tree so exposed, I feel surrender can be like giving God hedgeclippers and letting him prune away the excess growth which I get used to being there and feels like it's become part of me. It's so hard to be objective to the fact that it may actually be good for me to let go and let God take control. It can be such a difficult thing to have to undergo. I have found development and growing up at different stages in my life really challenging at times. Especially when it feels like there is no light ahead in the midst of "winter" and it seems an envelopingly painful and lonely experience.
I am glad that Spring time always comes back round again after surrender and brings with it new growth, light and life. Inevitably when I have surrendered myself, my new path has been more blessed than I even imagined was possible, and on hindsight I wonder why I gripped so tight to the old nature I thought was the extent of me.
Thanks for the reminder of Spring misterjonny.
Minx - what you say is so true. Pruning (lopping off branches even !?) the parts of us that we become used to is painful to say the least.
Its good to remember that spring comes too (tho its sometimes hard to remember that when we are in the midst of winter) & that no season lasts forever (equally difficult to remember when we are in the midst of winter).
Like Davey says, may we have grace to get thru winter.
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