Poor mans proverbs!
Funny how in the midst of the poor mans proverbs of a “desk top calendar”, little diamonds can sometimes be mined.
Funny how in the midst of the poor mans proverbs of a “desk top calendar”, little diamonds can sometimes be mined.
I was challenged by these words:
“Cherish the past, adorn the present and create for the future.”
A life-giving perspective.
“Cherish the past, adorn the present and create for the future.”
A life-giving perspective.
(image courtesy if Jonny Baker, thanks Jonny!)
Wise words indeed ! Something to think about & live by (or try to.)
Nice pic too - thought you might have been being creative in your kitchen :)
Thanks deirds.
Thinking something and living by it are two very different things!
how true that is. I think the important thing is that we try
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