West Wing
I came to the West Wing late via the recommendation of friends. Having fastracked my way via DVD, I've been amazed and encouraged at the wisdom which is contained within its scripts. Yes, yes I know its fictional, but like the Simpsons, there can be some great wisdom and Theology that leaks from its episodes.
For a glimpse of Jed Bartlett's theology, follow this link to the wonderful Youtube site and let Graceland know what you think.
hmmmm I've heard you and The Gambler talk about the West Wing alot and never got round to watching it. Maybe you've converted me to taking a look.
Interesting You Tube Vid. Aside from the dialogue itself, it challenges me as to how we (Christians) use some parts of scripture to justify our theology & ignore others (which I guess is the point he's making).
Is our faith always about having all our theology correct or is it a start (or even enough ??) to "Do justly, love mercy & walk humbly with God" Micah 6:8; and to "love thy neighbour as yourself" (Matthew 22:39) ?
Thanks deirds.
There is so much eternal truth, grace and mercy in scripture and its mixed up with man edited translation and editing. We have to dig deep in our search for the heart of God but it lies waiting for us.
I am currently reading Jim Wallis book 'Gods Politics'. A fascinating into the spectrum of right to left politics in the USA and the need for us who are left of centre to change the focus of 'religio-political' debate away from the well worn issues of gay marriage and abortion and illuminate the spiritual and faith dimension of issues such as poverty, employment, trade laws and stewartship of the environment. Its interesting how the republican party claim to be 'gods party' but have a notorious record on some of these social issues. Great debate and insight takes place on the blog site below. With great contributors including McClaren, Wallis and Claibourne.
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