How about a little detour from the serious (though valuable) discussions of life & faith?
If you had the chance to sneak a peak at Gods Ipod (without his omnipresence of course), what do you think would be on there?
What would be recently played?
What would be playlisted?
What Podcasts would he subscribe to?
Would anything ever sound new to him?
Could he stand Bono? (Would he get a word in edgeways?)
Serious, sarcastic or sublime, give Graceland your suggestions for the GodPod & we may try putting the compilation CD together!
J S Bach said a very clever thing: The end and final aim of all music should be none other than the glory of God and refreshment of the soul.
There is no doubt in my mind that there is some music I listen to (secular as much as sacred) in which I feel uplifted and refreshed and am sure the sounds appeal to almost any listener because they resonate with the creativity of the unique individual who composed the music. I'm sure when we are being our most creative selves we are touching something of God in us...
Hi Minx.
There is wisdom in your words and also in Mr Bach's!
Is he your pick for a spot on the Godpod?!
If so what track? (oops sorry, which concerto!)
According to Sky News this morning (so it must be true!) Prime Minister/oops sorry Chancellor Gordon Brown has Coldplay (apt or what!) prominent on his Ipod.
If God had some Coldplay on his Ipod, which tracks would he choose?
Fix You?
I don't know about Coldplay but here is my list of tunes on God's IPOD - what an exciting thought...
"The Songbird" - as sung by Eva Cassidy: she had such a meek and understated presence yet her voice was perfect. A super love song.
"With a little help from my friends" - as sung by Joe Cocker: because it is the most passionate rendition of any song I have ever heard. He gives it everything.
"You Gotta Serve Somebody" - Bob Dylan: the words summarise all that is relevant in life (and death).
"Walk like an Egyptian" - The Bangles: it's a fun funky tune that always brings a smile. No profound meaning other than that, but read into it what you wish.
"Blackbird" - The Beatles: of course they have to be on there, and what better a song than this one, which tells of a wounded creature which is given its wings to be free. Not to mention the beautiful melody.
"Don't Stop" - Fleetwood Mac: because it's good to let go of negative history which we can let pull us back and to look forward to positivity ahead. It may be God's song to us at times?
"Everybody Needs Somebody" - The Blues Brothers: we all do! God created us for companionship. Great old song.
The symphony of the sea,
The rhythm of the rain,
The whistle of the wind,
The chorus of the crow (aka Rev William McCrea)
Thanks for the suggestions so far (especially Rev William McRea!
Obviously one too many bumps to the head my boy!
Of course Bruce would be on there but the question is which tracks?
Top one for me would be the honest love of "Brilliant Disguise", closely followed by the hymn-like "Tougher than the rest", both off the "Tunnel of love" album.
Godspod would have a mix of the poet & prophetic, love letters & laments.
Leonard Cohen's "Hallelulja" as sung by Jeff Buckley would certainly be a contender, closely followed by Dylan's "With God on our side".
Keep them coming folks.
Track list summary so far is;
JS Bach
Yellow & Amsterdam - Coldplay
Songbird - Eva Cassidy
Vigilantes of love
Sometimes you cant make it on your own - U2
Blackbird - The Beatles
With a little help from my friends - Joe Cocker
Dont Stop - Fleetwood Mac
Halleluljah - Jeff Buckley
With God on our side - Bob Dylan
You gotta serve somebody - Bob Dylan
Everybody needs somebody - Blues Brothers
Not sure if I can bring myself to list "Walk like an Egyptian"- The Bangles
Brilliant Disguise - Bruce Springsteen
The Halleluljah chorus has got to be on it, what a song.
I think that God might be angry about people who distroy this planet he created, Ben Harper's "excuse me mister" is a great protest against those who pollute.
On a more classical note - Gabriel's Oboe from the film 'the mission'.
In terms of poetry, he would have Ithaca by Cavafy downloaded. I have posted it below!
Always keep Ithaca in your mind.
To arrive there is your ultimate goal.
But do not hurry the voyage at all.
It is better to let it last for many years;
and to anchor at the island when you are old,
rich with all you have gained on the way,
not expecting that Ithaca will offer you riches.
Ithaca has given you the beautiful voyage.
Without her you would have never set out on the road.
She has nothing more to give you.
And if you find her poor, Ithaca has not deceived you.
Wise as you have become, with so much experience,
you must already have understood what Ithacas mean.
Welcome to Graceland. The difference between Bono & God is, God never thinks he's Bono!
So folks the up to date playlist for God's Ipod is
JS Bach
Yellow - Coldplay
Songbird - Eva Cassidy
Vigilantes of love
Sometimes you cant make it on your own - U2
Blackbird - The Beatles
With a little help from my friends - Joe Cocker
Dont Stop - Fleetwood Mac
Halleluljah - Jeff Buckley
With God on our side - Bob Dylan
You gotta serve somebody - Bob Dylan
Everybody needs somebody - Blues Brothers
Walk like an Egyptian- The Bangles
Brilliant Disguise - Bruce Springsteen
Excuse me mister – Ben Harper
Gabriel's Oboe – Ennio Morricone
Sigur Rós - Svefn-g-Englar
Northbound 35 – Jeffrey Foucault
Be Thou My Vision – Pedro the Lion
Casimir Pulasky Day – Sufjan Stevens
Indiscriminate act of kindness – Foy Vance
Great Site Mark!
"In the Garden" by Van
"Saturday Night" by Blue Nile
"Hurt" by Johnny Cash
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